New Year coffee


Coffee.  They say now, it’s very good for you. In Vienna is the Cafe Central where Trotsky used to hang out, making a coffee last all day, planning revolution.  In London there is also a Cafe Central, where you can certainly get a good flat white.  But which is which?

Cafe Central 1  Cafe Central

Cafe Central 2 Cafe Central…

The week so far has consisted of wrapping up the Christmas Tree decorations in newspaper from 2008, unfortunately the Sports Pages, so nothing amusing to be reminded of; a visit to Chelmsford; a court hearing; and an appearance in a Comedy Club.

These last three are connected in ways.  Court prepares you for public speaking, stand up is public speaking of the most extreme kind, and the routine was based around Chelmsford, the city we love to love.  And in fact all four could be said to be connected, since Christmas decorations represent the glamour and glitter of a pub basement in a side street off Picadilly Circus.  But it was fun.

Driving back from Chelmsford, passing through Epping Forest and seeing the geese and goats and the occasional peacock (really?) that roam wild on common ground, is always a pleasure.  Entering the metropolis, as the sun is going down, you see different sights.

West Green