Last Thursday, The Saturday Girls, my novel about mod girls in the Sixties, was published by Bonnier Zaffre. The day was very exciting in a quiet sort of way. Quite unexpectedly, my niece first thing went to her local Sainsbury’s with her two sons (3 and 1) and sent me a photo of them in the trolley, holding copies of the book. It was such a lovely surprise and quite moving – that she should do that, and also that the boys should sit quietly and hold the book nicely. I have to say, other photos show them considering eating the books, but hey.
Tag Archives: Bonnier Zaffre
Suffragette Angel Cake
When was the last time you talked about Angel Cake?
Here’s my answer to that question – quite a lot, quite recently. About a week ago I received the first print copy of The Saturday Girls ) (out next Thursday!! pre-order it now). How lovely it looks! And there, tucked into the back of the book is a recipe for Angel Cake – because there is a delicious, moist, soft Angel birthday cake actually in the book. And this is a real life Angel Cake – not a cake mix! When I knew there would be a cake in the back of the book I decided to do a little research to see what it actually tastes like. I’m not sure it’s meant to have icing, but it tasted very good. I did a bit of a wide ranging search in fact and I have to say that Tesco’s own brand came out rather well.
Then on Wednesday at a social event, with much, much white wine and a sprinkling of canapes, I found myself in conversation with a French scientist who loves to bake. ‘What is your favourite cake?’ I asked, quite innocently. And she said, ‘Angel cake,’ just like that and proceeded to give me yet another recipe. We then had a discussion about what to do with egg yolks and how much mayonnaise can one household actually eat. But that need not trouble us here.
Because on Thursday, the very next day, a story was published in the Guardian about the reissue of the Suffrage Cook Book (read a review here). A book to warm the hearts and stomachs of those fighting the good fight to obtain votes for women. And the recipe they printed to go along with the story was … Suffrage Angel Cake!
I think what we can draw from this is that it’s all pointing one way. It all started with The Saturday Girls. And that’s where it’s heading. Published by Bonnier Zaffre, it comes out on 23 August 2018 – next Thursday. Pre-order it now!
And once it is in your hands – the book really is beautifully produced – you can try out the recipe. And when you have produced a delicious cake, then you can sit down with a generous slice, a cup of tea and a good book (The Saturday Girls obviously) and relive the heady days of the Sixties, when Saturday night was the night for dancing and the Corn Exchange was the place to be, and have a really, really good time.
Summer Season
And what a summer it has been! Trips to the theatre, Moliere – in France and in London. Shakespeare in Peckham Rye and my book The Saturday Girls has arrived in solid form, looking beautiful and clear, ready for its launch on 23 August.
First there was Toulouse, a city I have never visited and often confuse with Toulon. Never to be confused again! Toulouse has a radical past and a vibrant present: a university, a river – the Garonne – and a strong aeronautical presence, having welcomed, in 1926, Antoine de Saint Exupery, pilot and author of Le Petit Prince.
We arrived on the eve of the Fete de la Musique. It is a huge annual event. There was to be a concert in the Place du Capitole, the main square in the town, close to our hotel. We went out for dinner that evening, and coming back we had to pass through the Place
And so we had to join the queues of young people waiting to go and have a good time which meant being searched. Bags were opened, we were rubbed down. But everyone was good humoured and we didn’t have long to wait.
The next day was hot and interesting. We wandered by the river Garonne,
went to the market, drank coffee, ate lunch.
The next day we travelled up to Saint Antonin Noble Val a small medieval town on the Aveyron river – a perfect holiday retreat. A lovely house with a large garden, a boulangerie a minutes walk away, and restaurants, cafes and bars all close by – all in the setting of pretty medieval buildings, and a lot of art. We even found ourselves attending a couple of private views.
And in the middle of the week the Saint Antonin writers’ group hosted an evening of Moliere. In a local restaurant, le Capharnaüm, two actors performed short scenes from Fourberies de Scapin, a play which had its premiere on 24 May 1671, at the Palais Royal in Paris. It was hot and the actors wore masks and wigs, but great fun was had by all.
Back in London there was more Moliere, at the Haymarket Theatre, Tartuffe, Moliere’s 1664 play. It was in both French and English with subtitles, but its main draw was to see the actor Audrey Fleurot, who appears as the tricky red haired lawyer in Spiral, the French police series Engrenages. It was interesting.
So much theatre! There was also the rather marvellous Measure for Measure by Changeling Theatre, in Peckham Rye, and as well as their Blithe Spirit in Saint Bartholomew’s Church. And earlier there was Macbeth in Crouch End by The Factory Theatre company.
But the loveliest last part was to receive a copy of The Saturday Girls in the post. It’s the first time I have seen the spine with its lovely Z for Zaffre and the back cover with its very kind quote from Mary Gibson a writer of many successful novels. I can’t wait for 23 August when the book will finally come out.
Here they come, The Saturday Girls
Here is the News.
As you know, last year a new publisher, Bonnier Zaffre, bought Beyond the Beehive – my book about life in Chelmsford in the 60s – and after some additions and some editing, it was decided to rename the book ‘The Essex Girls’ and publish this April – next week in fact.
… things have changed. The title of the book has changed (I think Essex Girls gave the wrong idea) and now it will be called The Saturday Girls and have a different cover and will come out on 23 August.
I’m sorry for all this chopping and changing. I, for one, was getting very excited about the publication date – but I think the new title serves my Essex Girls better.
2017 – what happened?
On 10 January 2017 President Obama made his final speech as president. The New Yorker Magazine showed its cover of November 2008 – Reflection by Bob Staake – originally published to celebrate Obama’s victory.
I ended my 2016 round-up letter by saying ‘holding our breath, let’s hope 2017 is a better, kinder, safer year for everyone.’ Well… we all knew times were about to change. And we were not going to let it pass unremarked. In January there was the Women’s March.
In February the big event was a Labour Party dinner in an Indian restaurant on Green Lanes, at the bottom of our road, hosted by David Lammy our MP. The guest of honour was supposed to be Dianne Abbott but she was ill. A surprise guest came in her stead – it was Jeremy Corbyn! Ours was his constituency when he started in politics as a local councillor.
He was very charming and did the raffle. I took a moment or two with him to make some policy suggestions (more Youth Clubs! more apprenticeships!) and a good evening was had by all.
We were on the streets again in March, thousands marching to defend the NHS.
The other big news in March was that I signed a contract with Bonnier Zaffre, a relatively new (2014) publisher which has recently added Linda La Plante and Wilbur Smith, and me obviously, to its list.
Specifically, they have bought my Sixties novel, Beyond the Beehive, which will return in August 2018 as The Saturday Girls.
The wonderful thing about writing books about your home town, people come out to meet you! At an Authors’ Day in Chelmsford Library, part of the Essex Book Festival, in March I met old friends from our Estate and from my primary school. And in April All or Nothing, the Small Faces musical came to Chelmsford. A gang of gals from my secondary school, Chelmsford County High School for Girls, dressed in mod gear – some more successfully than others, attended. We clicked our fingers, sang and only being seated in the balcony stopped us from running to the stage to dance.
The other claim to fame of Gill, Amanda and Chris is that they wrote, directed and appeared in Cinderella, the school pantomime, in 1965 [See The Essex Girls, The Pantomime].
In May a wonderful package arrived in the house.
In Came Horace was my favourite book as a child – my Auntie Sheila gave it to me, because at the time we had a cat called Horace. The Horace in the story was brave and saw off any dogs that thought they could protect Horace’s little old lady owner. I lost the book years ago then recently found it online. What a treat.
I love the Regents Park Open Air Theatre, even if we sometimes have to see a show two or three times to find out the ending, because of the rain. In May this year we went to see On the Town, starring Danny Mac, a Strictly finalist!
It was a great (dry) evening with a picnic beforehand – great burgers – and a good show. New York, New York, it’s a helluva town.
And there was another treat in May – a day course on the International Brigade and the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) at the Bishopsgate Institute. It’s a fascinating, inspiring story, the struggle against Franco and his fascists. The history was well told, and then we were able to touch and leaf through the books and papers that the Institute has in its archives. That was quite thrilling.
By way of light relief we went to the Barbican to see the jazz pianist, Brad Mehldau, a belated birthday present for Maureen Who Likes Frasier (WLF). I say light relief – modern jazz is a bit hard for me. I try to find a tune to follow, and then it runs away from me. The evening was enjoyed by Caroline and Maureen.
June of course was the Election. Ours is a safe Labour seat (David Lammy MP) so Caroline and I went out canvassing in Brent and secured a victory for the Labour candidate!
July brought more open-air culture. This time for free! There was a screening of Turandot on the sloping lawns around Alexandra Palace. We took wine, food and blankets and had a fun evening of death, betrayal and high voices.Then I shot down to Chelmsford where for the first time in my life I cut a ribbon and declared something open. It was Chelmsford’s Listening Bench – an Essex Record Office scheme, funded by the Lottery Heritage Fund, putting benches in Essex towns and villages with recordings of local people talking about their past.
The big event in October was Rafi being born to my niece Billie, brother to Rudi.
And there was the fascinating, uplifting and heartbreaking exhibition Soul of a Nation at Tate Modern, which I’ve written about here.
November of course marked 100 years since the Russian Revolution. There have been a couple of exhibitions, at the Royal Academy.
and Tate Modern,
both with a rather disappointing commentary, where it seems to be forgotten exactly why there was a revolution in Russia and elsewhere. But also 30 years of my relationship with Caroline!
December – There was a knock at the door and a new(ish) neighbour from down the road was inviting us to a Christmas party. She was just going up and down the road knocking on doors inviting people to come. And we went and had mulled wine and mince pies and met people we have never seen and never spoken to! Such a good idea.
Throughout the year I’ve continued to be involved in Housing for Women – the charity that provides accommodation and support for women who have suffered domestic abuse, who have been trafficked, and who have just been released from prison, as well as older women. We still go to Paris – lovely city. We were there around the time of the election which was won by Macron.
And I’ve carried on with my monthly BBC Essex radio spots, when I review the newspapers – from the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph to the East Anglian Daily Times and the Basildon Echo, at 6.15 in the morning. I try to find some uplifting stories amidst the gloom – but I also talk about the gloom and try to give a different perspective whilst avoiding slander.
It has been an extraordinary year. Let us hope for a peaceful and sane 2018. This is a cover from the French newspaper Liberation in 2016, but it may be the best we can get.
The news
I have already written about my big news here but I’m so thrilled I just want to say it again. My Sixties novel, Beyond the Beehive, has been acquired by Bonnier Zaffre. They will publish a new edition in early 2018, which will have the trademark Z on the spine.
Shortly after that a second Sixties novel will appear. Now I have to get down to writing it, which is quite a challenge, but I’m looking forward to it. There may be tears, laughter, sleepless nights and a certain amount of tearing my hair. I’m hoping that you will share this journey with me!
The Essex Girls
The Essex Girls, out on 23 August 2018, is a book I’ve wanted to write for most of my life, because it seems the world has not paid much attention to the lives of mod, working class girls, and I wanted to redress the balance. When I was about 10 I started to write a book about a girl who didn’t go to boarding school. Somehow, apart from the Secret Seven books by Enid Blyton, there weren’t that many books around about children who went to day school. All those boarding school kids had to have their adventures in the long hot summer holidays, whereas in my world we were having adventures on weekdays and weekends. I say adventures – I mean writing the local newspaper, cooking ourselves little restaurant meals, putting on plays for the other kids in the street, and following someone on the estate we were convinced was a spy and noting his movements down in our notebooks (a spy with a very dull life, it turned out).
The problem grew more acute as I got older and became a mod. There were limitations with being a mod – if you weren’t interested in clothes and music and possibly scooters and if your mum and dad would not have let you go to Clacton or Margate on a Bank holiday, even if you’d wanted to, then there wasn’t much going on – but there was still a life, and one with a lot of action. The film Quadrophenia demonstrated that people were interested in mods, but the girls don’t get much of a look in, in the story.
So, out came the notebook and over the pages flew my pen, and then my word processor and then one computer after another.
I hope I’ve captured some of the essence of the excitement of Saturday nights, walking into a dance hall in time to the rhythm of Green Onions, or the smell of Wishing perfume by Avon, or seeing people you knew wearing parkas and leather coats, swooping along the road to park outside the mods’ coffee bar. It was a great time.
The Essex Girls is published by Bonnier Zaffre and is available to pre-order here